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The Key to Success: How Green and Greenberg Submit Complete Disability Claims Packages


Recently, the Social Security Administration (SSA) sent a video to claimant representatives, emphasizing the critical importance of submitting complete application packets. This video highlights the fact that many delays in the disability application process arise from missing or incomplete documentation. At Green and Greenberg, we are fully equipped to address this challenge by ensuring that your claim is submitted with all required information, reducing the likelihood of delays and increasing your chances of approval.

Why a Complete Claims Package is Crucial

When applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI), one of the most significant hurdles is the extensive documentation required by the SSA. From medical records to employment history, every detail matters. Incomplete claims often result in delays, rejections, or the need for further documentation, which only prolongs the process. The SSA video reinforces that submitting a complete and thorough package from the start can streamline the process and lead to faster decisions.

This is where Green and Greenberg excels. Our team ensures that every necessary document is included, and all information is accurate, giving you a better chance at securing benefits quickly.

What Should be Included in Your Complete Claims Package?

A complete disability claims package involves more than just filling out a few forms. Here are some key components that the SSA requires:

  1. Medical Evidence: The cornerstone of any disability claim is medical documentation. This includes records from doctors, hospitals, and any other medical professionals you’ve consulted regarding your disability. A thorough and detailed medical record is crucial to proving the extent of your condition.
  2. Work History and Earnings Record: To qualify for SSDI, applicants need to show they’ve earned enough credits through work. Including your complete work history ensures the SSA can verify your eligibility based on these credits.
  3. Residual Functional Capacity (RFC) Assessments: An RFC assessment evaluates your ability to perform work-related tasks despite your disability. These assessments, provided by your medical professionals, can be pivotal in demonstrating the limitations your condition imposes on your ability to work.
  4. Supporting Statements: Personal statements and statements from family, friends, and employers can offer a more comprehensive view of how your disability affects your daily life. This anecdotal evidence often supplements medical records and adds a personal touch to the claim.

At Green and Greenberg, we specialize in compiling all these elements into a well-organized, complete claims package. Our years of experience working with SSA requirements mean we know what the agency looks for and how to avoid common pitfalls that can delay or derail your claim.

Avoiding the Pitfalls of an Incomplete Application

The SSA receives a vast number of disability applications every year. A significant portion of them are denied simply because they are incomplete or lack essential information. The recent video underscores how often these incomplete applications slow down the process for everyone involved.

A missing medical record or an incomplete work history can trigger a series of additional requests, hearings, and appeals that can drag on for months—or even years. At Green and Greenberg, we take every step to ensure that your application is thorough and complete from the very beginning.

Why Green and Greenberg is Your Best Advocate

Submitting a complete claims package may seem daunting, especially with the complexities of SSDI and SSI applications. But with Green and Greenberg, you’re not navigating this alone. We handle all the legwork, making sure every piece of documentation is accounted for and organized in a way that meets SSA standards.

Our team reviews your case thoroughly before submission, ensuring every document and piece of evidence is in place. This attention to detail helps eliminate delays and reduces the chances of denials due to incomplete applications. Whether it’s working with your doctors to gather the right medical records or crafting a compelling personal statement, we are your partners in presenting the best possible case to the SSA.

Take Action Today

Don’t leave your disability benefits up to chance. With Green and Greenberg, you can be confident that your disability claim is in expert hands, significantly improving your chances of a successful outcome. Reach out today to learn how we can help you compile and submit a complete disability claims package.