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Federal District Court Most Client-Friendly Forum in 2018

Based on data compiled by the Social Security Administration and the Office of Disability Program Management, claimants were most likely to receive a favorable outcome at Federal District Court in Fiscal Year 2018. At the state agency level, only 35% of claimants received favorable decisions at the initial stage, and only 13% of claimants received favorable decisions upon reconsideration. The Appeals Council had a dismal 1% allowance rate and a tiny 10% remand rate in 2018. Administrative Law Judges overall approved 45% of cases. At Federal District Court though, a whopping 48% of cases were remanded for further proceedings, with a further 2% approved outright. This makes the Federal District Court level the most client-friendly forum in the country in 2018, and the only stage where half of all cases are decided in a manner favorable to the claimant.

David Spunzo is a Rhode Island native, a graduate of LaSalle Academy, Providence College, and the New England School of Law.