Joanna Smykowski
Hearings Attorney
Aborn and raised New Yorker, Joanna Smykowski, Esq. has many years experience zealously representing clients seeking Social Security Disability benefits and SSI. Joanna represents clients at every administrative stage, including filing the initial application, appealing to the reconsideration level, appearing at hearings, and filing requests for review by the highest administrative body, the Appeals Council. She also assists the Federal Court Division obtaining judicial review in cases where the Administrative denial was unjustified.
Joanna is dedicated to zealously advocating for the benefits that her clients deserve. Her strong educational foundation began in her beloved Queens where she received her undergraduate degree from St. John’s University. Her Juris Doctor was earned from CUNY School of Law, an institution that centers its educational pillars on law in the service of human needs. She continues to mentor CUNY students as they prepare to become public interest attorneys.
Joanna is a proud member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR). Through continuing education she remains at the forefront of advancements in the disability legal sphere, ensuring that her clients receive the highest standard of representation.
Beyond academic accolades and professional memberships, Joanna embodies the ethos of this legal practice field: a passionate advocate driven by unwavering dedication to securing justice. With a keen understanding of the intricacies of law and a compassionate approach to each case, Joanna stands as a beacon of legal proficiency and client-centric advocacy.
In addition to her work as an attorney, Joanna dedicates her pro-bono time to helping nonprofit organizations in women’s health and reproductive justice. When she is not busy fighting for clients and a more equitable world, Joanna enjoys travel, adventure, music, reading, writing, and dance.